Ellen is a 20 year old college dropout who returns home to the house of her stepmother and father after struggling through an inpatient program and failing to make any progress. With her absentee father unwilling to deal with her, Ellen's stepmother Susan sets her up with a specialist, Dr. William Beckham, who insists that Ellen join his inpatient program. Ellen is reluctant to do so, but her mind is changed by her younger sister.
Ellen moves into the house with six other patients that include 5 women and Luke, an upbeat ballet dancer who is near recovery on both his anorexia and a knee injury. Luke acts as a moral cheerleader for the other patients and takes a special interest in Ellen, eventually revealing that he is a fan of Ellen's art.
At a family therapy session with Beckham, Ellen's father fails to show up. It is revealed that until 18 months earlier Ellen was living with her mother who abandoned her to move to Phoenix, Arizona, and also that the artwork she posted on her tumblr was cited as an influence by a girl who later killed herself. Ellen promises to try to do better, but instead continues to lose weight.
Ellen does make headway however, changing her name to Eli and bonding with the other members of the house. She is surprised however when Luke kisses her and propositions her for sex, quickly rejecting him. Later on she learns that Megan, another woman in the house who was pregnant, miscarried her baby. The event sends Eli into a tailspin and she decides to run away. On her way out Luke begs her to stay telling her that he needs her as he realizes that his knee condition is permanent and he will never be able to properly dance again and needs something new to focus on. Eli leaves anyway.
Near death Eli goes to her mother's home. That night her mother expresses guilt for the postpartum depression she had after giving birth to Ellen and suggests that she might try feeding Eli with a bottle while rocking her to help solve both their issues. Eli finds the idea strange, but after her mother tells her that she accepts if she chooses death, she decides to go along with the idea and allows herself to be rocked while her mother feeds her rice milk from a bottle.
After eating Eli goes for a walk at night. Passing out she hallucinates that she is in a tree where she kisses Luke who reveals to her how sick she is. He gives her a piece of coal that is her courage and she swallows it.
Waking up from her dream Eli decides to return home. She embraces her stepmother and her sister, before continuing on to Beckham's inpatient program.
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