Recently fired from her job and dumped by her boyfriend, Michael, Emily Middleton is determined to enjoy a previously planned trip to Ecuador. Learning of her relationship status from social media, her mother, Linda, tells her to go home in order to move on, where she reunites with her agoraphobic brother, Jeffrey. Initially refusing, Linda agrees to go on the trip with her daughter.
In Ecuador, after they check into the hotel, Emily meets a man named James, and they begin a relationship. After one night of bonding with James, Emily and her mother take a sightseeing ride with James. During their ride, masked men in a white van ram James' Jeep and abduct Emily and Linda. James escapes. Emily awakens inside a cell and begins to panic, while Linda calms herself by reading men's magazines. The leader, Hector Morgado, has his nephew take both women away from the kidnappers' hideout and to another location. They manage to escape from their captors' car and stow into a passing truck, but not before Emily kills the leader's nephew by pounding his head with a shovel. The truck's driver then stops his truck and leaves them both in the middle of the jungle.
They find a phone at a nearby bar, where they call the U.S. State Department officer Morgan Russell, saying that they are in peril, after escaping from the kidnappers and Morgan advises them to go to the US Consulate in Bogota, Colombia. They meet an American named Roger Simmons, who agrees to help them find the consulate. After the three share a meal, Morgado and his men track them down. Morgado is about to kill them both as revenge for his nephew's death, but Linda distracts him while Emily retrieves a nearby spear gun and threaten hims. As she retrieves it, she accidentally fires it, killing Morgado's only son. They manage to escape with Simmons onto a boat. Soon, however, they are forced off the boat when the captain detects another boat nearby that is looking for the two women.
Meanwhile, Jeffrey, learning that his mother and sister have been kidnapped, calls Morgan, saying he will join forces with the agents in order to find his mother and sister. Morgan reluctantly agrees. In Colombia, Emily, Linda, and Simmons hike through the jungle until Simmons falls to his death from a cliff. Later, Emily passes out from the infection of tapeworm. After a local village doctor removes the tapeworm from her body, Morgado and his men track them down again. They spot a zip line and decide to use it to escape. Unfortunately, the zip line is good for only one person. Linda forces Emily to leave her behind and is recaptured.
Emily safely arrives at the US Consulate. Determined to find her mother, she seeks help from two American women, Ruth and Barb, whom Emily met in Ecuador. Ruth and Barb take her to James, who was conspiring with Morgado, to the apartment where he is being interrogated for the kidnappers' location. With the ladies' help, Emily rescues her mother at the kidnappers' apartment. They try to escape in another truck, but Morgado intercepts them. As he is about to kill Emily, Linda blows her dog whistle, summoning a dog that attacks Morgado. U.S. State Department agents arrive to arrest Morgado, and Jeffrey reunites with his mother and sister.
One year later, Emily and Linda take another trip to Kuala Lumpur, at which point Emily meets another man, who offers her a drink. Emily refuses, and she and Linda proceed to dance.
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